10,000% ROI 2019 -2024

Projected 10-100X ROI Over the Next 2-5 Years

Exact Time/Price Projections On Most Financial Instruments

Proprietary Mathematical & Programming Breakthroughs

Proprietary Intellectual Property & Artificial Intelligence






Exact Time/Price Targets Can Be Calculated On Most Time Frames

We can calculate, most of the time, exactly what the overall stock market, individual stocks, commodities, currencies, etc.....will do in both price & time. On the long-term or short-term basis. Click "Learn More" below to see our advanced proprietary math and how we apply it to various financial instruments in order to generate exact Time/Price forecasts and targets. 


Most Technical, Fundamental & Trading Strategies Fail

It is a well known fact that most money managers and individual investors do not outperform the market. To be exact, less than 10% of active large-cap fund managers have outperformed the S&P 500 over the last 15 years. With around 90% of "professional" traders losing money in the long run. Individual investors, long-term or short-term, do not fare much better. 


Exact Time/Price Turning Points Can Be Calculated With Precision

Market Size, Opportunity & Products

Facets Of Our Business

  • 4D Capital, L.P. - Parent company and 100% owner of all IP/AI/Businesses below.  We believe our mathematically verifiable Proprietary Intellectual Property alone is worth billions.
  • HyperCube One, L.P. - Trading fund & fast movers. Our strategy, math, calculations and data output can easily handle tens of billions in assets under management. 
  • TimePriceOracle.com - FinTech arm of 4D Capital and our Intellectual Property. Yields direct Price/Time calculations for retail. We believe this stand alone business has the potential to be a multi-billion dollar company on its own.  
  • TimedProfits.com - Upcoming premium AI generated data sales to other funds. 
  • InvestWithAlex.com - Investment newsletters associated with our IP/AI.

Multitude Of Product Possibilities Associated With Our IP

Proprietary Verifiable Math Delivers Exact Time/Price Hits & Fast Movers


Performance & Traction

Since beginning this project in late 2019 we have been able to achieve an increase in valuation of 4D Capital of 10,000%. We are now seeking to repeat this performance. And at the risk of sounding pompous, we truly believe that partnering with us is equivalent to investing in Netflix, Tesla or Google at startup.

Our Team

Meet Our Team

Alex Dvorkin
Founder & Managing Partner

Original developer of this work and research. Responsible for daily operations of the business, research, investment decisions and raising capital.

Mr. X
Head of Research & Development

"Mr. X” – Brilliant Ph.D. Mathematician (full name known to investment partners only due to the secret nature of this underlying work) – currently completing the sequencing and coding of this work in order to get us to that 90-95% constant accuracy target. Young, aggressive, one of the most brilliant minds in the mathematical world of today. Very well published.


What Competition?

  • In all seriousness, we are operating in the most competitive market on Earth where funds, individual investors, traders and geniuses of all sorts fiercely compete for every single $.  


  • With that in mind, no one else has our proprietary technology and Intellectual Property associate with this work. It is built on top of our one-of-a-kind research and numerous significant scientific and mathematical breakthroughs. Even programming breakthroughs. None of it can be replicated. And yet, our mathematical calculations can be verified with certainty.  As a  result, the entire affair in terms of our upcoming growth becomes an exercise in proper business model execution. 


Extreme Limited Availability For 4D Capital, L.P. - Our Parent Company

  • 4D Capital (Parent Company and 100% owner of all IP/AI associated with all of our businesses).
      • Very limited availability - please contact us for more details. 
      • This is the business structure where we anticipate a ROI of 10-100X. 
      • This allocation also gives access to our backend research and data. Ask us for more info as this might be more valuable than the anticipated 100X ROI.
  • HyperCube One (Trading fund)
        • Unlimited availability.
        • Funds or investors must contribute trading capital to be allocated additional ownership in 4D Capital. A $100,000 trading capital allocation allows you to contribute $25K into 4D Capital at our current valuation level (some limits apply).

September 1st, 2024
Our Current Valuation Stands at 4D Capital, L.P.  1% = $500K

Will be doubled as soon as our analytics product goes online in late September/October of 2024


Investment & Use Of Funds

Use Of Funds

Any additional capital invested into 4D Capital, L.P. directly will be used for the following purposes. 

  • Acceleration of our research and development efforts. 
  • Sales & marketing.
  • Raising additional investment capital for HyperCube One. 
  • Improving all existing product lines: InvestWithAlex.com, TimedProfits.com and TimePriceOracle.com

All in all, whatever is necessary to maximize Shareholders Equity and to achieve 10-100X projected valuation increase.


We truly believe 4D Capital is a rocket ship about to take off. I personally believe, as pompous as it might sound, investing in our technology today is equivalent to taking a stake in Netflix or Tesla at startup.  If you would be interested in participating in our business and gaining access to our research work, please let me know. I can send you more information on all of the above and proof – mathematical and otherwise. Either way, we would need to establish some sort of a relationship before any further allocation discussion can take place.

[email protected]